lundi 18 janvier 2016


If you're looking to add size to these non-mirror muscles, you'll want to avoid these miscues at all costs.

Whether your goal is to be a 250 lb. freak or 185 lb. sculpture, all of us who lift want to develop a V-shaped back with enough bumps and lumps to match the Rocky Mountains. However, this is no easy task, as the musculature of the back is quite complex and often hard to feel while lifting. It’s quite common to hear fellow trainees complain that when they try and work their lats, they manifest a better pump in the forearms and biceps, which does little to stimulate back growth.

This is without a doubt the #1 culprit for holding back the development of big backs. While there certainly is a powerful correlation between the strength of a muscle and its eventual size, there is an even stronger one between keeping the target muscle under tension and the ability to “feel” it doing the work. The mind/muscle connection is very real and more important than you may think. Especially when it comes to back training, going too heavy will disrupt your gains by reducing target muscle tension and preventing you from reaching the level of focus necessary for maximum stimulation.
Here are eight training mistakes that may be keeping you from beefing up your back.


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