dimanche 30 août 2015


Here are 5 supercharged chest-blasting techniques to get your pecs out of a rut.

Why to do it: Yet another way to train your pecs past failure is via partial reps, in which you perform reps in less than a full range of motion. “If you stop a set due to your inability to complete a full rep, you’re not taking the muscle to its true limit,” says M&F senior science editor Jim Stoppani, PhD. “If instead you continue with partial reps until you can no longer budge the weight, you’ll know that you’ve taxed the muscle to its absolute limits.” For chest, partial reps are great on Smith machine presses, other chest press machines and dumbbell press. Since the triceps play a major role in the top half of the ROM when pressing, you often end up ending the set when the triceps fail, not the chest. By doing reps in the lower half or three-quarters of your bench press ROM (after reaching full ROM failure), the triceps are no longer the limiting factor and the pecs will be taken to full fatigue.

What to do: On the last set or two of any or all of the aforementioned exercises, go to full ROM failure, then continue doing reps in the lower half to three-quarters of the ROM (all the way down, but stopping well short of full elbow extension) until you can longer push the dumbbells to the half way point.



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